Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Generation A: 10 Questions for Douglas Coupland (1)

Sealed in a sterile white room, author and artist Douglas Coupland is bombarded with a series of questions designed to gain some insight into his thought processes and his new novel, Generation A. Intermittently punctuated by advertising for a television news team and a mysterious drug, both of which feature in his novel, the film covers a wide and seemingly random range of topics, from Couplands working methods, to his favourite letter of the alphabet. The film tries to mirror the novels fragmented structure while offering an unguarded window into a celebrated thinker, artist, and cultural icon.

In Canada, http://www.randomhouse.ca
In the US, http://www.simonandschuster.com
In the UK, http://www.randomhouse.co.uk


Clip by Crush, Inc, commissioned by Random House Canada
(From the YouTube description)

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